
There are many ways to assemble units into models. Different techniques can change the look, size, or shape of a model, depeding on where and how they are applied. Below is a list of some common techniques, how to apply them, and what their effects are.


The "Standard" technique is the most common way to assemble units into models. Most models are built mostly or entirely using this technique. To use it, place the two points of a single unit into the pockets of two different units.


The "Aligned" technique is used to create long "sticks" of units. Long enough sticks can be curved to create semi-circles or even closed rings. To use it, place the two points of a single unit into the two pockets of another unit.


The "Floating" technique is one way to increase the number of units that are in a row, relative to the previous row. It is called "floating" because both of it's pockets are empty, so the piece "floats" in place. To use it, place a unit in between two other units that are using a Standard placement. This unit's pockets will be empty. The unit is secured to the rest of the model by placing units in the Standard placement above this unit.

Hanging (Outwards)

The "Outward Hanging" technique is the more common of two similar techniques that are used to increase the number of units in a row. It is called "hanging" because one of it's pockets is empty, so the unit "hangs" off of the one below it. Generally, the hanging technique is used in pairs, so two hanging pieces will be placed next to each other. To use it, place one of the points of another unit into one of the pockets of this unit such that the empty pocket is hanging over the side of the unit. When placing in pairs, place the empty pockets of the two hanging units next to each other.

Hanging (Inwards)

The "Inward Hanging" technique is very similar to the outward hanging technique. The difference is that instead of hanging the empty pocket over the side of the unit, it hangs in between the other unit's two points. When placing in pairs, place the filled pockets of the two hanging units next to each other.


The "Shrinking" technique is used to decrease the number of units that are in a row. This technique is most often used in pairs, to shrink down 3 units in the previous row into 2 units in the current row. To use it, start with 3 units. Place both points of the left unit into the left pocket of another unit and place the left point of the center unit into the right pocket. Symetrically, place both points of the right unit into the right pocket of another unit and place the right point of the center unit into the left pocket.